Friday, November 27, 2009


We traveled to Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving this year. Aunt D came down from Chicago and made the 6 hour trip back with us.

Once getting to Nanny and Bup-Bup's we settled in for a nice LONG holiday weekend of relaxation. Even though the house was chock full of people it was, believe it or not, one of the most relaxing holidays yet! Really, we just hung around, watched some movies, played some games and watched as all the grandsons bonded in my parent's newly organized basement. I have to say, its back to the way it was when we were kids -- full of fun toys, lots of space to run around and filled with kid's screams and laughter. It was comforting to watch as Matthew played with my old toys and read my old books.

Our holiday meal was, as usual, FANTASTIC! My favorite part of dinner was (surprisingly) NOT the cranberry jello, which has been at the top of my list for nearly five years running. Nope, instead, this year's favorite was (drum roll ...) the zuchini souffle! Logan - good job! Matthew's favorite part was the cookies :) surprise, surprise! Nanny - good baking job!

Though a usual 6 hr. trip, it took us over 8 hours to get home Sunday night! Sadly though, this was not the worst part. We had 2 sick kids with us, which was not a pretty picture. However, as miserable as they were feeling, I must admit they both did really well being restrained in carseats. Matt and I are blessed with GREAT traveling children!

We are looking forward to the Christmas season! We'll be getting our Christmas tree this weekend and are rapping up our house decorating this week. We'll keep you posted on how the tree decorating goes!

1 comment:

  1. Thanksgiving was such a blast - can't wait for the Christmas and New Years festivities begin!! Love to all the boys....xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
