Monday, May 10, 2010

2010 Indianapolis Mini Marathon

Per usual, I took a LONG hiatus from our blog. To all our avid and dedicated readers: thank you for not losing hope that I would eventually post again! I have no other excuses except to say that, given our lives recently, blogging has been low on the priority list!

As self-centered as it may seem to begin anew with a subject matter revolving around me, I indeed promise to focus on the boys once again proceeding this post!

Saturday was Indianapolis' infamous Mini-Marathon. Mini is hardly the word to describe this race as this year a total of 30,944 participants finished the race! The crowd was enormous needless to say, and I must admit that the sight was quite inspiring. I, of course, was simply a fuzzy, peach face amidst the thousands surrounding me, but simply blending in with a crowd as enthusiastic about running as me was fantastic!

My race went better than I had anticipated. I would be lying if I said I wasn't at all nervous about how I would fare. Long story short, my running has been hindered by a wretched side-cramp that simply would not go away for well over a week. It was one of those cramps that -- regardless of movement -- ached all the time. So, I wasn't at all surprised when, by mile 1, my cramp had hit my ribs full force and was beginning to work its way to my shoulder. I was bummed from the get-go, but still carried hope that I could "breath through it".

Well, once I was able to weave in and out of the crowd enough to begin my normal pace, my cramp magically disappeared! By mile 6 I was finally up to speed and cruising. Once I hit the speedway (which to those of you not familiar w/ Indy - we get to run on the Indy 500 racetrack), I was feeling great! By mile 12 I was surprised at how energized I felt!

I ended my race on a good note: 1 hour 53 minutes and 53 seconds. Not my personal best, but only 5 seconds off of it! I intend however, to beat this time in 2 weeks at the Geist Half Marathon, which is a course just minutes from my house. On a whim (clearly influenced by my addiction to running), I decided to sign up for this second half marathon this past Sunday. I'm hoping that since its significantly smaller (only 6,500 participants) I'll be able to get up to my pace much earlier in the race, which will hopefully improve my time a tad. I suppose we'll see.


Matthew: Only has 3 days of school left! He also is showing us how BIG a boy he is by officially wearing underpants all day long! We're so proud of him :) For the first time ever, he also ate an entire apple - whole. Yes, he grabbed one off the counter and went at it like it was a candy bar. I was totally impressed how he manuvered the damn thing! And yes, in case you're wondering, he ate the core 'n all (just like the cool-dude Sebastian in The Never Ending Story).

Declan: He's getting bigger and bigger by the day. At his last doctor's appt. he weighed 21 lbs. and is 31 inches long! He's the size of an average 15 month-old! He's on the mend, but still suffering the after-effects of RSV. The poor little guy can't shake his cough and cold! We had him in the hospital in mid-April w/ breathing problems again, so the doctor's have put him on a strict regime of asthma treatments. Of course, he's too little to be diagnosed asthmatic, but the treatments are the only thing helping him right now. Say a prayer that he recovers soon ... he's really been a trooper!


  1. YAY!! I check this thing every day - so glad to see a new post!! Hope you got my message this weekend...I tried calling on Mother's Day to wish you a happy day, but got your voicemail! Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks! Congrats on the race! SO PROUD!

  2. Congrats Ashley! I ran my first 1/2 marathon last weekend in Pittsburgh. About the same time...1:52. We could run together!! Any interest in running the Chicago 1/2 August 1st? I am signed up and there is still room.

  3. oops...that message was from me...Katie Bachey!
