Wednesday, February 3, 2010


If you would have asked me around noon today I would have said Declan was doing so much better. But, after a visit to the doctor's office and a quick check-up, I was sorely mistaken!

We ended up going straight to the ER after seeing our doctor today because Declan's breathing and wheezing was as bad (if not worse) than yesterday. So, off we went back to the ER in hopes that whatever Declan's suffering from would finally be remedied!

It was honestly weird going back to the hospital because last year, almost 1 year to day, we were in the same hospital -- in the same ER room mind you -- with Matthew!! Not sure if you remember or not, but Matthew was hospitalized for RSV last February when I was preggo with Declan. Though they took great care of him, it was a traumatic experience for all of us. Frankly, as ridiculous as it is to think, today was not as much of a culture shock since we've gone through it once before.

As usual, Declan had everyone mesmorized - doctors included! Anyone who passed him could not get enough! I'm serious, they came by our room in groups smiling and talking about the "baby that is super sweet and is so sick but you would never believe it because his smile and happiness is so apparent." Seriously, I know I've said this already, but my baby is the greatest trooper there is! No matter what was going on, the minute someone smiled at him or talked to him, he was all smiles and bright eyes.

We were discharged from observation about two hours ago, but I have to say ... we're clearly not going to sleep tonight at home. In a way, being kept in the hospital would have been better for us because we would have had so many hospital professionals monitoring our teddy bear. Now, Matt and I are going to tag-team it all night watching Declan sleep and making sure he's breathing well. He's already choked a couple of times on phlem, so now there's no way we're going to sleep!

We'll keep everyone posted, but we're confident that by Friday he'll be recovering well. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!!


  1. If you need someone to chat with while you stay awake...I am 3 hours behind you, so hit me up. Declan is in our prayers and like you said, he is a trooper, so try and sleep while Matt is on duty.

    Love you!

  2. Ash!! I did not know you spent the day in the ER - call me tomorrow if and when you have a chance! - beez

  3. Hey Ash...I'm so sorry to hear about the little guy being sick. I know I'm three hours away, but call if you need anything. love you!!!
