Thursday, January 14, 2010

Beautiful Baby Contest

I normally never watch Regis and Kelly, but Matt (believe it or not) was watching it when he was home on Monday (for vacation). In passing I overheard a promotion for a Bautiful Baby Contest. Apparently their show is teaming up with Parenting Magazine to discover the next cover baby.

Now, I know millions of parents across the U.S. are probably submitting pics of their little ones as we speak, so suffice it to say, I'm not banking on receiving the $150K college tuition grand prize. That being said, in all honesty, who can resist this face:

I mean, I may be a doting parent right now but ... WE'VE GOT IT IN THE BAG! :)

Stay tuned for our acceptance speech :)


  1. He is clearly the cutest baby in America right now!!! I will vote (I think viewers vote) so send the link and I'll vote everyday! :)

  2. I'll definitely send the link! I tried submitting the pic online, but they're saying its too big! I may have to send in a hard copy.

  3. He is my pick! so darn cute that one!

  4. AGREED! I'll vote for sure. (Leigh R)

  5. Between those amazing eyes and his "toothless" smile.....he is SO ADORABLE for sure! I submitted a photo for a local calendar that had a (great)niece/nephew and Randi's two kids in it. There were 2,000 entrants and they ONLY picked 65..and their pic was one of them! So go for it!!! You never know.
    xo Lana

  6. Ash, too cute!! Declan is a sure thing :)
